Process Analysis Toolkit  (PAT) 3.5 Help  

A transition is used to describe how the state of the process changes as the result of some action of the process. It is composed of six parts.

  • Selections non-deterministically bind a given identifier to a value in a given range. The other parts of the transition are within the scope of this binding.
  • Event is the name of the action making the process to change. Processes can also synchronize over channels.
  • Clock Guard is the timed constraint of transition execution.
  • Transition Guard, a boolean expression,  is the condition of the action to happen.
  • Program is the description of the action. It defines updated information from the current state if this action is trigered. It is a sequence of command and may contain while-loops, if-then-else.
  • Reset Clocks is setting the clock to zero.


The transition label is represented as below: select :  selections clocks : <clock guard>[transition guard]event{program}clockreset: clock. A selection binds a variable, which appears in clock guard, transition guard, event, program or clock reset parts, in a given range. The evaluation order of the transition is in the following: first, the transition guard is checked, followed by the clock guard. When both guards are valid, the event occurs, in the meantime, the program is updated and the clock is reset. If transitions labelled with complementary actions over a common channel, the evaluation order of a channel likes the following:
    1. channel output guard evaluation and checking
    2. channel output clock guard evaluation and checking
    3. channel output channel name evaluation
    4. channel input channel name evaluation
    5. channel input guard evaluation and checking 
    6. channel input clock guard evaluation and checking
    7. channel output program evaluation 
    8. channel input program evaluation. 

In the above picture, the transition from state Occ to state Free is defined as select : e:{0..N-1} [e == queue.First()] leave[e]? {queue.Dequeue();}, where queue is an instance of data type Queue defined as a class in C# language, First() and Dequeue() are  functions defined in the Queue class. The range of variable e is from 0 to N-1, and the value of e in the transition guard and event should also be in this scope.  If Boolean expression e== queue.First() returns true, then if processes can synchronize over channel leave[e] (value of e should be the same in the transition guard), in this case, event leave[e]! occurs, followed by the execution of program queue.Dequeue().

There are some actions which can do with the Transition:

  • Create Transition: Select the Add Link function then select the first state and the second state. Between selections of the two states, you can click in the canvas to create a new Nail. Nail is a small dot in yellow color. It is used to divide the transition in segments.
  • Delete Transition: Select the link then click the Delete function or select Delete function from that link's context menu.
  • Create Nail: Right click on the link and select New Nail.
  • Delete Nail: Select the Nail then select the delete function from the toolbar or its context menu.
  • Move Nail: Select the Nail and drag the nail to the desired position.

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